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Le magliette nei film
Vote for Pedro - Napoleon Dynamite
Vote for Pedro - Napoleon Dynamite
Dance your ass off - Footloose
Don't hassle me, I'm local - Tutte le manie di Bob
New York Herald Tribune - Fino all'ultimo respiro
Love will tear us apart - 500 giorni insieme
Sock It To Me - Fight Club
Smiley di fango - Forrest Gump
Stephen King rules - Scuola di mostri
UCSC Banana Slugs e Krazy Kat Comics - Pulp Fiction
Richard Pryor - Superbad
A little bit dramatic - Mean Girls
La maglietta di Alan - Una notte da Leoni
Okinawa, Japan - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Games games games - Adventureland
International Order Of Gorillas - Scuola di geni
Black Sabbath - The Avengers
Win Rocky win - Rocky II
Daddy's Lil Monster - Suicide Squad
Kaoru Betto - Il grande Lebowski
Now I Have A Machine Gun HO – HO – HO - Trappola di cristallo
Lo scheletro verde - This is Spinal Tap
Peace Through Firepower – Aliens - Scontro finale
Rydell High School - Grease
Jesus was Wrong - Little miss sunshine
"" - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Zombie Vs. Shark - This Is The End
Slinky - Juno
Flash - Flash Gordon
Fight Club - Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Jurassic Park - Jurassic World