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Le fotografie libere da diritti pubblicate dal Metropolitan Museum di New York
Donne tahitiane al bagno, 1892
Paul Gauguin (Parigi 1848 – Isole Marchesi 1903)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Donne tahitiane al bagno, 1892
Paul Gauguin (Parigi 1848 – Isole Marchesi 1903)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
May Picture, 1925
Paul Klee (Münchenbuchsee 1879 – Muralto-Locarno 1940)
(The Berggruen Klee Collection, 1984 – Metropolitan Museum of New York)
11:00 9 maggio 1910. Strilloni a St. Louis, in Missouri.
Lewis Hine (Oshkosh, Wisconsin 1874 – Dobbs Ferry, New York 1940)
(Gift of Phyllis D. Massar, 1970 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Concerto, 1595 circa
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (Caravaggio 1571 – 1610 Porto Ercole)
(Rogers Fund, 1952 – Metrpolitan Museum of Art)
Forme uniche della continuità nello spazio, 1913
Umberto Boccioni (Reggio Calabria 1882 – Chievo 1916)
(Bequest of Lydia Winston Malbin, 1989 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Versailles, 1923
Eugène Atget (Libourne 1857 – Parigi 1927)
(Ford Motor Company Collection, Gift of Ford Motor Company and John C. Waddell, 1987 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Ragazze al pianoforte, 1892
Auguste Renoir (Limoges 1841 – Cagnes-sur-Mer 1919)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Banchi di ghiaccio, 1893
Claude Monet (Parigi 1840 – Giverny 1926)
(H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Il giardio del tempio, 1920
Paul Klee (Münchenbuchsee 1879 – Muralto-Locarno 1940)
(The Berggruen Klee Collection, 1987 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Panorama di Yedo
Utagawa Hiroshige (Tokyo 1797 – Tokyo 1858)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Tête-à-tête, 1894
Edvard Munch (Løten 1863 – Ekely 1944)
(The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1956 © 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS) New York – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Cristo con la croce, 1577-87
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) (Iráklion 1540/41 – Toledo 1614)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Il mare calmo, 1869
Gustave Courbet (Ornans 1819 – La Tour-de-Peilz 1877)
(H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Campo di grano con cipressi, 1889
Vincent van Gogh (Zundert 1853 – Auvers-sur-Oise 1890)
(Purchase, The Annenberg Foundation Gift, 1993 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Winter Scene in Moonlight, 1869
Henry Farrer (Londra 1844 – New York 1903)
(Purchase, Morris K. Jesup Fund, Martha and Barbara Fleischman, and Katherine and Frank Martucci Gifts, 1999 – Metrpolitan Museum of Art)
Icarus, Empire State Building, 1930
Lewis Hine (Oshkosh, Wisconsin 1874 – Dobbs Ferry, New York 1940)
(Ford Motor Company Collection, Gift of Ford Motor Company and John C. Waddell, 1987 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Annunciazione, 1485
Botticelli (Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi) (Firenze 1444/45 – Firenze 1510)
(Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
María Teresa, Infanta di Spagna, 1651-1660
Velázquez (Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez) (Siviglia 1599 – Madrid 1660)
(The Jules Bache Collection, 1949 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Jeanne Hébuterne, 1919
Amedeo Modigliani (Livorno 1884 – Parigi1920)
(Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Nate B. Spingold, 1956 – Metropolitan Museum of New York)
Gustel Königer, 1909
Frank Eugene (New York 1865 – Monaco 1936)
(Rogers Fund, 1972 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Bagnanti, 1874-1875
Paul Cézanne (Aix-en-Provence 1839 – Aix-en-Provence 1906)
(Bequest of Joan Whitney Payson, 1975 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
L'inglese al Moulin Rouge, 1892
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Albi 1864 – Saint-André-du-Bois 1901)
(Bequest of Miss Adelaide Milton de Groot (1876–1967), 1967 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Olympia, 1867
Édouard Manet (Parigi 1832 – Parigi 1883)
(The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1983 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Prova di balletto in scena, 1874 circa
Edgar Degas (Parigi 1834 – Parigi 1917)
(H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Studio della testa della Vergine per Sant'Anna, la Vergine e il Bambino con l'agnellino, 1508–12
Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci 1452 – Amboise 1519)
(Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1951 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
The Bubble, 1908 circa
Alvin Langdon Coburn (Boston, Massachusetts 1882 – Galles 1966)
(Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1933 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Ia Orana Maria (Ave Maria), 1891
Paul Gauguin (Parigi 1848 – Isole Marchesi 1903 )
(Bequest of Sam A. Lewisohn, 1951 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
La signora Georges Charpentier ei suoi bambini, 1878
Auguste Renoir (Limoges 1841 – Cagnes-sur-Mer 1919)
(Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1907 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Venere e il suonatore di liuto, 1565-70
Tiziano (Pieve di Cadore ca. 1485/90? – Venezia 1576)
(Munsey Fund, 1936 – Museum of Modern Art)
Salvador Dali, Carmel, 1944
Johan Hagemeyer (Amsterdam 1884 – Berkeley, California 1962)
(Gift of Estate of Johan Hagemeyer, 1962 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Studio per "Una domenica pomeriggio sull'isola della Grande-Jatte", 1884
Georges Seurat (Parigi 1859 – Parigi 1891)
(Bequest of Sam A. Lewisohn, 1951 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Autoritratto, 1911
Egon Schiele (Tulln 1890 – Vienna 1918)
(Bequest of Scofield Thayer, 1982 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Egon Schiele, 1914
Anton Joseph Trcka (Austria, 1893–1940)
(Gilman Collection, Purchase, Ann Tenenbaum and Thomas H. Lee Gift, 2005 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
I giocatori di carte, 1890-92
Paul Cézanne (Aix-en-Provence 1839 – Aix-en-Provence 1906)
(Bequest of Stephen C. Clark, 1960 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Il chitarrista spagnolo, 1860
Édouard Manet (Parigi 1832 – Parigi 1883)
(Gift of William Church Osborn, 1949 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Scale, Città del Messico, 1924–26
Tina Modotti (Udine 1896 – 1942 Città del Messico)
(Ford Motor Company Collection, Gift of Ford Motor Company and John C. Waddell, 1987 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Onmayagashi in Edo, 1830-44
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Giappone, 1797–1861)
(H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Autoritratto, 1660
Rembrandt (Rembrandt van Rijn) (Leiden 1606 – Amsterdam 1669)
(Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
In barca ad Argenteuil, 1874
Édouard Manet (Parigi 1832 – Parigi 1883)
(H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Nudo disteso (Reclining Nude), 1917
Amedeo Modigliani (Livorno 1884 – Parigi 1920 )
(The Mr. and Mrs. Klaus G. Perls Collection, 1997 – Metropolitan Museum of Art)