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Le più belle copertine di dischi del 2013
White Lies - Big TV
Art Direction by Gerard Saint and Markus Karlsson at Big Active. Painting by Michael Kagan
White Lies - Big TV
Art Direction by Gerard Saint and Markus Karlsson at Big Active. Painting by Michael Kagan
Dan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - Repent Replenish Repeat
Design by Paul Jackson
Bonobo - The North Borders
Design by Leif Podhajsky
Atoms For Peace - Judge Jury and Executioner
Design by Stanley Donwood
Paul McCartney - New
Logo and cover concept by Rebecca and Mike. Consultancy and design by YES. Cover image by Ben Ib
Braids - Flourish/Perish
Design by Marc Rimmer
Tindersticks - Across Six Leap Years
Design by Rob Duke
Zomby - With Love
Design by Philip Laslett. Photography by Davy Evans
!!! - THR!!!ER
Photography by Chase Jarvis. Design by !!! and James Burton
Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest
Design by Boards of Canada
Elton John - Diving Board
Art direction and design by Mat Maitland. Photography by Tim Barber
Gold Panda - Trust
Design by Andy Gilmore. Layout by Michael Cina
The Leisure Society -
Alone Aboard the Ark
Design by Owen Davey
Washed Out - Paracosm
Artwork by Sara Cwynar. Art direction by Ernest Greene. Photography by Shae DeTar. Design by Sasha Bar and Jeff Kleinsmith
Zachary Cale - Blue Rider
Design and original sculpture by Ryan Johnson