• Questo articolo ha più di 11 anni
  • Mondo
  • Giovedì 11 luglio 2013

Muri su muri, a Berlino – foto

Una mostra sui muri divisori esistenti al mondo, realizzata su un lungo pezzo del Muro di Berlino

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 10: Visitors pass a photo of a separation wall in the Shu' Fat Refugee Camp in the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement in the West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories, in the 'Wall on Wall' exhibition at the East Side Gallery section of the former Berlin Wall on July 10, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. A series of photos shot since 2006 by photographer Kai Wiedenhoefer hanging on the Western, river Spree side of the Wall features large pictures of separation barriers in Baghdad, Korea, Cyprus, Mexico, Morocco, Israel, Belfast, and in the former East Germany itself. The opposite side of the stretch of the original Wall is known as East Side Gallery, a memorial to peace and freedom covered in murals questioning the legacy of the original Wall, and the subject of several demonstrations earlier in March this year when sections of it were threatened with removal to make way for a construction site for luxury apartment buildings, discussion of which is still ongoing with a decision expected to be reached in early August. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 10: Visitors pass a photo of a separation wall in the Shu' Fat Refugee Camp in the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement in the West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories, in the 'Wall on Wall' exhibition at the East Side Gallery section of the former Berlin Wall on July 10, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. A series of photos shot since 2006 by photographer Kai Wiedenhoefer hanging on the Western, river Spree side of the Wall features large pictures of separation barriers in Baghdad, Korea, Cyprus, Mexico, Morocco, Israel, Belfast, and in the former East Germany itself. The opposite side of the stretch of the original Wall is known as East Side Gallery, a memorial to peace and freedom covered in murals questioning the legacy of the original Wall, and the subject of several demonstrations earlier in March this year when sections of it were threatened with removal to make way for a construction site for luxury apartment buildings, discussion of which is still ongoing with a decision expected to be reached in early August. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)

La East Side Gallery di Berlino – il più lungo pezzo del Muro di Berlino ancora nella sua posizione originale, una specie di grande galleria d’arte all’aperto – sta ospitando in questi giorni una mostra del fotografo Kai Wiedenhoefer, che comprende una serie di foto di muri divisori provenienti da vari paesi del mondo, fra cui Messico, Marocco, Israele e Irlanda del Nord. Le foto sono state scattate dal 2006 in poi e occupano circa 364 metri del muro, al quale sono state incollate.