• Questo articolo ha più di 11 anni
  • Mondo
  • Martedì 11 giugno 2013

Le palafitte abusive a Manila

Le foto delle case che moltissime persone si sono costruite in zone molto pericolose, nella capitale delle Filippine

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - MAY 29: A child sits on a bamboo stilt holding a fishing boat along the coast of Navotas City on May 29, 2013 in Manila, Philippines. It has been reported that 105,000 of 580,000 informal settlers in Manila have set up home in disaster prone areas. Recent reports have named the Philippines as Asia's fastest growing economy, however the housing shortage is still a major concern for many of Manila's poorest communities. (Photo by Veejay Villafranca/Getty Images)
MANILA, PHILIPPINES - MAY 29: A child sits on a bamboo stilt holding a fishing boat along the coast of Navotas City on May 29, 2013 in Manila, Philippines. It has been reported that 105,000 of 580,000 informal settlers in Manila have set up home in disaster prone areas. Recent reports have named the Philippines as Asia's fastest growing economy, however the housing shortage is still a major concern for many of Manila's poorest communities. (Photo by Veejay Villafranca/Getty Images)

A Manila, la capitale delle Filippine, si stima che 105mila delle 580mila persone che vivono in abitazioni abusive abbiano costruito la propria casa in zone a forte rischio di pericoli naturali. La città ha in tutto circa 1,6 milioni di abitanti. Manila ha un’economia in forte espansione ma il governo ha ancora il grave problema di fornire a tutti una casa, soprattutto ai più poveri.