Le foto degli scontri a Istanbul
La polizia turca ha usato spray urticante contro manifestanti a sostegno dei prigionieri curdi, da giorni in sciopero della fame
![Turkish riot police fire tear gas as they clash with Kurdish demonstrators during a protest in support of a hunger strike movement by Kurdish prisoners, on October 30, 2012, in Istanbul. The justice minister said at least 680 prisoners are currently on a hunger strike in prisons across the country, while Turkey’s Human Rights Association, which closely follows the country’s long-simmering Kurdish conflict, said 715 inmates are striking in 48 prisons. Some of the prisoners have been without food for 43 days, and there are fears about their deteriorating condition. Hunger striking protesters have three main demands: the release of imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, the right to Kurdish language education and the right to use Kurdish in Turkish courts. AFP PHOTO/BULENT KILIC (Photo credit should read BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)](https://www.ilpost.it/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/1549943551.jpg)
Turkish riot police fire tear gas as they clash with Kurdish demonstrators during a protest in support of a hunger strike movement by Kurdish prisoners, on October 30, 2012, in Istanbul. The justice minister said at least 680 prisoners are currently on a hunger strike in prisons across the country, while Turkey’s Human Rights Association, which closely follows the country’s long-simmering Kurdish conflict, said 715 inmates are striking in 48 prisons. Some of the prisoners have been without food for 43 days, and there are fears about their deteriorating condition. Hunger striking protesters have three main demands: the release of imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, the right to Kurdish language education and the right to use Kurdish in Turkish courts. AFP PHOTO/BULENT KILIC (Photo credit should read BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)
Stamattina ci sono stati violenti scontri a Istanbul, in Turchia. La polizia turca ha utilizzato spray urticante e gas lacrimogeni per disperdere un gruppo di manifestanti del Partito per la Pace e la Democrazia (BDP), che si erano radunati per manifestare a sostegno dei prigionieri curdi che da qualche giorno hanno intrapreso uno sciopero della fame.
Il ministro della Giustizia turco ha spiegato che al momento ci sono almeno 680 prigionieri curdi che stanno portando avanti lo sciopero della fame nelle carceri di tutto il paese. Alcuni di loro sono stati per 43 giorni senza cibo. I manifestanti chiedono, tra le altre cose, la liberazione del leader ribelle curdo Abdullah Öcalan e il diritto di utilizzare la lingua curda nelle scuole e nei tribunali.