• Questo articolo ha più di 12 anni
  • Cultura
  • Venerdì 17 agosto 2012

Le foto vincitrici del concorso di Traveler

11 immagini molto belle scelte dalla rivista di viaggi del National Geographic

PERMITTED USE: This image may be downloaded or is otherwise provided at no charge for one-time use for coverage or promotion of 2012 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest and exclusively in conjunction thereof. No copying, distribution or archiving permitted. Sublicensing, sale or resale is prohibited.REQUIRED CREDIT AND CAPTION: All image uses must bear the copyright notice and be properly credited to the relevant photographer, as shown in this metadata, and must be accompanied by a caption, which makes reference to NGM. Any uses in which the image appears without proper copyright notice, photographer credit and a caption referencing the 2012 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest are subject to paid licensing.

This image was shot in the Kyrgyz lands of the Wakhan Corridor. The intimacy of this everyday life moment, shot inside of a family yurt, is in total contrast with the harsh environment these nomadic tribes live in. On the right we notice a television and a sound console. These tribes live weeks away from any village by foot. In spite of being located at an altitude of 4,300 meters in one of the most remote areas of Afghanistan they are equipped with solar panels, satellite dishes and cellphones. Ancestral ways of living, with touches of modernity.
PERMITTED USE: This image may be downloaded or is otherwise provided at no charge for one-time use for coverage or promotion of 2012 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest and exclusively in conjunction thereof. No copying, distribution or archiving permitted. Sublicensing, sale or resale is prohibited.REQUIRED CREDIT AND CAPTION: All image uses must bear the copyright notice and be properly credited to the relevant photographer, as shown in this metadata, and must be accompanied by a caption, which makes reference to NGM. Any uses in which the image appears without proper copyright notice, photographer credit and a caption referencing the 2012 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest are subject to paid licensing. This image was shot in the Kyrgyz lands of the Wakhan Corridor. The intimacy of this everyday life moment, shot inside of a family yurt, is in total contrast with the harsh environment these nomadic tribes live in. On the right we notice a television and a sound console. These tribes live weeks away from any village by foot. In spite of being located at an altitude of 4,300 meters in one of the most remote areas of Afghanistan they are equipped with solar panels, satellite dishes and cellphones. Ancestral ways of living, with touches of modernity.

Sono stati premiati i vincitori del 24esimo National Geographic Traveler Photo contest, un concorso di fotografia organizzato dalla rivista Traveler del National Geographic, rivolto a tutti e non solo a fotografi professionisti. Chi ha partecipato poteva sottoporre al concorso più fotografie, poteva scegliere il tema e il soggetto. Lo stile e i temi sono quelli tipici della rivista: paesaggi, un po’ di reportage, il tutto spettacolarizzato con tinte forti e sature.

Le immagini selezionate sono 11 – tre vincitrici, sette menzioni speciali e una scelta dai lettori – ma il concorso ha ricevuto 12.000 immagini da 6.615 fotografi di 152 paesi. Tutte le fotografie si possono vedere nel sito ed è possibile selezionare la galleria in base a 5 categorie (i vincitori, scene in esterno, senso del posto, ritratti di viaggio, momenti spontanei) e in base alla settimana di pubblicazione.

Di seguito invece le immagini scelte come vincitrici. La giuria era composta da critici e fotoeditor e dalla fotografa del National Geographic Alexandra Avakian. Ogni immagine è corredata da una didascalia a cura dell’autore della fotografia.