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Gli Incontri di fotografia di Arles
Vincent Fournier
Reem B #4, Pal, Barcelona, 2010
Vincent Fournier
Reem B #4, Pal, Barcelona, 2010
Dorothée Smith
Untitled, dalla serie Hear us marching up slowly, 2012
Courtesy galleria Les Filles du Calvaire
Davide Monteleone
Dagestan, dalla serie "Red Thistle", 2009
Davide Monteleone
Dagestan, dalla serie "Red Thistle", 2009
Fotografo anonimo
Claude Nori di fronte alla galleria Contrejour, September 1976.
Chu Ha Chung
Bugu-1 Ri Bukmeon Euljin-GunKyongbuk, Korea
Dalla serie: A Pleasant Day, 2006.
Bertrand Stofleth
Composizione, "Longue Gorge", Ardache, 11th February 2005, 6th February 2008, 2nd April 2010, 11th February 2011.
Aurore Valade
L'uomo del fondo (L'homme du fond), serie Ritratti, Torino (Portraits, Turin), Italia, 2009
Courtesy Gagliardi Art System, Torino
Anni Leppälä
Orange tree, 2008
Courtesy of the TAIK Gallery.
Anni Leppâ°lâ°
Orange tree, (Oranger), 2008.
Avec l'aimable autorisation de la galerie TAIK.
Fratelli Alinari
Florence, Studio Bartolini, 1856-57
Courtesy of the RMFA (Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari), Firenze
Fratelli Alinari
Florence, Studio Bartolini, 1856-57.
Avec l'aimable autorisation de la RMFA (Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari), Florence.
Alexandre Maubert
42â 4'0.38"N ; 9â 29'42.95"E, from the series Casabianda, 2009
Eva Stenram
Drape 1, 2011
Courtesy dell'artista
Géraldine Lay
Untitled, Un mince vernis de reality (A thin layer of reality), 2001
Gihan Tubbeh
Courtesy of the artist
Sunghee Lee
Broken, Thailand
Sophie Calle, La dernière image, detail, 2010.
Courtesy galleria Perrotin, Paris.
Olivier Metzger
Untitled, from the series Smile Forever, 2012
Courtesy galleria Bertrand Grimont.
Nelli Palomäki
Baawo at 30, 2011
Courtesy Cecilia Sandblom.
Marina Gadonneix
Plane #2, serie Playing Disorder, 2008-12
Lucas Foglia
Acorn with Possum Stew, Wildroots Homestead, North Carolina, 2006
Laurent Tixador, Sample from a Fusov M100
Josef Koudelka
Roumanie (Romania), 1968
Courtesy dell'artista e di Magnum Photos.
Josef Koudelka
Courtesy di René Burri e di Magnum Photos.
Jean-Christophe Béchet
Alpes, France
Hasan e Husain Essop
Last Supper in Havana, Cuba, 2009
Courtesy Tasneem Chothia Essop.
Alain Desvergnes, Gas Man, Bateville, Mississippi, 1964