• Questo articolo ha più di 14 anni
  • Postille
  • Lunedì 13 dicembre 2010

Nostre signore

Da Simone Veil alla Vergine di Guadalupe, ma anche signore meno educate, bambini e cavalli: le foto migliori delle ultime 24 ore

Simone Veil, French lawyer and politician and former President of the European Parliament, is pictured after she was given the Heinrich Heine Prize of the city of Duesseldorf during a ceremony on December 13, 2010 in Duesseldorf, western Germany. The prize, which is awarded every two years, was given to Veil for her political and cultural achievement. AFP PHOTO / PATRIK STOLLARZ (Photo credit should read PATRIK STOLLARZ/AFP/Getty Images)
Simone Veil, French lawyer and politician and former President of the European Parliament, is pictured after she was given the Heinrich Heine Prize of the city of Duesseldorf during a ceremony on December 13, 2010 in Duesseldorf, western Germany. The prize, which is awarded every two years, was given to Veil for her political and cultural achievement. AFP PHOTO / PATRIK STOLLARZ (Photo credit should read PATRIK STOLLARZ/AFP/Getty Images)

La signora di 83 anni è Simone Veil, già reduce dai campi di concentramento, già ministro e membro del Consiglio Costituzionale in Francia, già presidente del Parlamento Europeo e ora membro della Académie française. Poi ci sono persone che dormono sognando la Nostra Signora di Guadalupe, femministe ucraine, bambini che meriterebbero infanzie migliori, navicelle spaziali e immagini della Siria che pare la Norvegia.

– Le immagini dal mondo, i giorni scorsi