• Questo articolo ha più di 11 anni
  • Italia
  • Lunedì 8 luglio 2013

Il Papa a Lampedusa

Le foto della visita di Bergoglio e della corona di fiori gettata in mare per i migranti

Pope Francis boards an Italian Coast Guard boat upon his arrival at the island of Lampedusa, southern Italy, Monday, July 8, 2013. Pope Francis heads Monday to the Sicilian island of Lampedusa for his first pastoral visit outside Rome, going to the farthest reaches of Italy to pray with migrants who have recently arrived and remember those who have died trying. Francis, a pope from "the end of the Earth" whose ancestors immigrated to Argentina from Italy, has a special place in his heart for refugees: As archbishop of Buenos Aires, he denounced the exploitation of migrants as "slavery" and said those who did nothing to stop it were complicit by their silence. On Monday, he will arrive at Lampedusa's port by boat and will throw a floral wreath into the sea in memory of those who died trying to reach the island, which is closer to Africa than the Italian mainland. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Pope Francis boards an Italian Coast Guard boat upon his arrival at the island of Lampedusa, southern Italy, Monday, July 8, 2013. Pope Francis heads Monday to the Sicilian island of Lampedusa for his first pastoral visit outside Rome, going to the farthest reaches of Italy to pray with migrants who have recently arrived and remember those who have died trying. Francis, a pope from "the end of the Earth" whose ancestors immigrated to Argentina from Italy, has a special place in his heart for refugees: As archbishop of Buenos Aires, he denounced the exploitation of migrants as "slavery" and said those who did nothing to stop it were complicit by their silence. On Monday, he will arrive at Lampedusa's port by boat and will throw a floral wreath into the sea in memory of those who died trying to reach the island, which is closer to Africa than the Italian mainland. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Papa Francesco è arrivato lunedì mattina nell’isola di Lampedusa, dopo aver lanciato in mare una corona di fiori in ricordo dei migranti morti cercando di arrivare sull’isola. Alle 10 ha tenuto una messa al campo sportivo, vicino al cimitero delle barche: nella sua omelia ha criticato la «cultura del benessere» che rende insensibili le persone ai problemi altrui e ha rivolto un pensiero «ai cari immigrati musulmani che, oggi, stasera, stanno iniziando il digiuno di Ramadan, con l’augurio di abbondanti frutti spirituali».